Package uncmbb updated!

Ever since UNCMBB team’s season ended about a month ago, I’ve been meaning to update the data in uncmbb package, and I finally got to it. Obviously the new version includes 2017-2018 season match results for both UNC and Duke MBB teams, but it also includes new features in wrapper functions that are useful when working with uncmbb package.

I forgot to take notes of the steps taken when I was submitting uncmbb to CRAN for the first time last year, and this time I remembered to do so and take some screenshots too. Below are some notes related to package submission:


##      Season  Game_Date Game_Day   Type Where Opponent_School Result Tm Opp
## 2187   2018 2018-03-07      Wed CTOURN     N        Syracuse      W 78  59
## 2188   2018 2018-03-08      Thu CTOURN     N           Miami      W 82  65
## 2189   2018 2018-03-09      Fri CTOURN     N            Duke      W 74  69
## 2190   2018 2018-03-10      Sat CTOURN     N        Virginia      L 63  71
## 2191   2018 2018-03-16      Fri   NCAA     N        Lipscomb      W 84  66
## 2192   2018 2018-03-18      Sun   NCAA     N       Texas A&M      L 65  86
##        OT
## 2187 <NA>
## 2188 <NA>
## 2189 <NA>
## 2190 <NA>
## 2191 <NA>
## 2192 <NA>
duke %>% mbb_season_result() %>%
        filter(Type == "REG") %>%
        arrange(desc(pct_win)) %>%
## # A tibble: 5 x 7
## # Groups:   Season [5]
##   Season Type  games  wins losses pct_win pct_loss
##   <chr>  <chr> <int> <int>  <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 1999   REG      30    29      1   0.967   0.0333
## 2 1986   REG      31    29      2   0.935   0.0645
## 3 1998   REG      29    27      2   0.931   0.0690
## 4 1992   REG      27    25      2   0.926   0.0741
## 5 1963   REG      23    21      2   0.913   0.0870
unc %>% mbb_champ_season()
## # A tibble: 6 x 1
## # Groups:   Season [6]
##   Season
##   <chr> 
## 1 1957  
## 2 1982  
## 3 1993  
## 4 2005  
## 5 2009  
## 6 2017

  1. I say it almost here, because there’s literally last step one has to do before submitting to CRAN.

  2. Yes it’s quite cumbersome, and there’s got to be a better way to do this that I don’t know of yet.


  4. The badges ended up giving me some headache during CRAN submission.

  5. I didn’t do this after receiving the confirmation email first time (after devtools::release() was completed), and kept wondering why there was no more update coming from CRAN.